Phase 5 of my Toxic Purge: CANDY

Phase 5
OK candy, you're outta here.

Remember in Phase 2 when I talked about the fact that I wouldn't stop at a store just to buy Skittles or Sweet Tarts?   Well, it's funny how once you remove chocolate from your diet, other sugars rear their ugly heads.  Sure enough, I was stopping at convenience stores and dollar stores just to stock up on Hot Tamales, Life Savers and those fruity flavored Tootsie Rolls - you know the ones that come in a big bag at Halloween?  Yep, the Dollar Store sells them in little perfect sized bags.  In true sugar-aholic fashion, I was now the Nicholas Cage in Leaving Las Vegas of sugar.  Filling my dollar store grocery cart with anything sugary - (just not chocolate).  I couldn't stop.  So I had to stop.  I came home, hid my candy in the pantry, and made the decision right then and there to stop all candy.  This was in February of 2019.  NO MORE CANDY.  I was done.  I realized I had a problem and allowing myself little bits just wasn't working.  I would positively gorge myself on candy.  The litter bag in my car was always filled with candy wrappers.  Nothing but candy wrappers.  FILLED.  Once again, I needed to stop.  I haven't had any candy since 02/2019 and feel great about it.  Knowing how I make long lasting decisions, I am confident I won't go back to eating candy in the future.  The hardest part is getting over the initial hump.  Day by day, folks.
