Phase 7 of my Toxic Purge: SUGARY SWEETS

Phase 7
So Long, Sugar

I will admit, this was a tough one.  I gave up chocolate knowing Skittles had my back.  I later gave up Skittles knowing my beloved pie and doughnuts would be there for me.  In the back of my mind, I knew my sugartooth was limited.  It's day would come.  The time is now.

Recently, my mom and sister and I took a trip to Palm Springs.  While on our vacation, we stumbled upon a Winchell's Doughnuts store.  WINCHELL'S!! They had closed their doors years ago in Washington State.  My mom and I both have a weakness for doughnuts. so of course the car took an immediate right turn into the parking lot.  We had 2 days left on our vacation, so what did we do?  We bought a dozen doughnuts of course!  My sister restrained herself and only had one.  My mom and I gobbled down the remaining 11 in 2 days.  It was quite a sight.  Powdered sugar everywhere.  Our hotel looked like a scene from some drug cartel movie.  That was the last hurrah.

I returned from our vacation DONE.  I was done eating.  I was done with sugar, overindulgence, tight clothes, done with it all.  I stepped on the scale the morning after my return and it tipped an all time high (barring childbirth weight which was just a couple pounds higher).  I was really done.  Or as I referred to it as going on the "IFDD" (I'm F*cking Done Diet). Now, those who know me know I don't curse a lot.  Except now.  This isn't a diet I promoted loudly, but the words sure played in my head every time I looked at something sweet.  "I'm F*cking Done!" Words I would repeat over and over. I wasn't even tempted.  Just done. 

 Is it forever? I hope so.  I have managed to eliminate many other items from my diet and stick to it.  Let's hope this no sugar thing lasts too.  As a sugar-aholic, it needs to.  I simply can't do little bits.  So-long, sugar.  It's been fun.
