Phase 8 of my Toxic Purge: STARCHES

Breads, Starches, Pastas & Pastries

You knew I was coming for you, starches.  One by one you saw all your friends fall.  I saved the biggest for last.  Oh, the filler food.  Who doesn't love a big bowl of pasta or some yummy garlic mashed potatoes? Or how about when they bring that basket of warm bread to the table at a restaurant? Or the endless  Red Robin French Fries? Was I really ready to give all that up?  YES.  Every filling little bit of it.  I'm DONE.  I have eaten enough pastas, breads, starches and potatoes in my life to last me until the end.  I need to experience life without the fillers.  I want to leave breakfast satisfied, not full.  Pancakes and hashbrowns always leave you feeling SO FULL.  A light lunch is just fine - no need to load up on all the bread and starches.  I'm just done.

Much like some of the other things I've given up, it's important not to think too far into it.  Just take it day by day.  Right now, I'm done with it all.  Someday when I'm 80, maybe I will want some pizza.  If I do, I will allow it.  Heck, I will allow myself whatever I want at 80.  For now, I am done.  My life needs more control and healthy choices.  THIS is exactly what I need to do right now, not carb-load.

Phase 8 of my Toxic Purge, you're a big one - but I'm stronger.
