Phase 4 of my Toxic Purge: BEEF

Phase 4
Bye Bye, Bessie!

There are many reasons people choose to lead vegetarian or vegan lifestyles.  Some choose not to eat anything with a face.  Others just prefer fruits, veggies and grains.  Whatever the reason someone abstains from consuming a certain type of food is their business.  I believe we can all make those decisions for ourselves.  There are certain foods I, personally, have never eaten - veal and lamb are 2 examples. I don't force my opinions on anybody else, I just have always simply avoided those options on a menu.

Shifting gears, in 2016 I started really paying attention to climate change.  The more I read, or watched or informed my self about greenhouse gasses, the more I wanted to be a part of the solution, not the problem.  I knew I could up my game in many ways.  I could definitely do better.  While I alone may not change the world, I believe if enough of us make small changes - great things can happen. 

One thing I learned was how methane gas omitted from cows contributed to the "blanket" in our atmosphere causing the earth to warm.  I watched a video on becoming "weekday veg" and it inspired me to make that small change in my diet.  I could give up red meat during the week (or 5 days out of 7) and make an impact on our planet!  Sounded like a great idea to me!  Little did I know when I started, that I would not go back.  I began getting used to making other choices.  I would buy ground turkey instead of ground beef at the grocery store.  I'd order a French Dip but would substitute turkey meat for the roast beef.  I would opt for a chicken or seafood dish rather than a steak meal at a restaurant.  It really wasn't that hard.  Soon I realized I really didn't miss beef at all.  It's been several years since I have given up red meat and I'm glad I did.  I will continue to recycle, avoid single use plastics, limit my driving and gasoline use, but you can now add consuming less beef to that list. If everyone made some small changes, imagine the impact it could have on our planet.
